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Enderlein, Olle

(* 1917 - † 1993)

<span style='background-color: yellow;'>Enderlein</span>: image 1 of 1 thumb <span style='background-color: yellow;'>Enderlein</span>: image 1 of 1 thumb
Olle Enderlein
Olle Enderlein was a well known Swedish yacht-designer, who designed a lot of successful sailing boats.

In addition to the ships of the Örnen series, which he designed for Örnmaskiner (later Storebro), he also designed the Hallberg-Rassy 35

About Olle Enderlein exists a specific entry in the German Wikipedia (look at Wikipedia ()).

Enderlein designed the following boats for Storebro: Havsörnen I, the Örnen and the Havsörnen II.