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Storebro J32/S32

Storebro J32


L.ö.a. [m]10,13
Bredd [m]3,40
Djupgång [m]0,60
Höjd över vattenlinjen [m]2,51 - med kapell
2,29 - utan kapell
Fribord för [m]1,28
Deplacement [t]5,2
Bränsle [l]660
Vatten [l]145
Septic tank [l]75
Spänning [V]12
Antal byggda båtar24 - J32
3 - S32
DesignerGerman Frers


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The J32/S32 was a completely new model from Storebro. It was built instead of the SRC 310 drawn by Winfried Wilke, which was not wanted by shipyard owner Hans Mellström. Originally the boat was announced as SRC 320, later the name was changed to J32/S32. The Argentinean German Frers was used as designer for the first time. He designed a boat that should remind of the historical lines of the Solö built in 1951.
From 1999, the ship was replaced by the model-maintained version, the J34/S34.

The experience gained from the construction of the SRC 90E flowed into the development of the hull. The keel area of the hull was reinforced in such a way that it was possible to sail the boat directly onto the beach. An option that was sufficiently addressed in the promotional videos.
An innovation was the option to order the hull in different colours ex shipyard. The most popular colour was yellow followed by blue. All hulls were produced with white gelcoat and painted according to the owner's wishes. This meant that the ships could be pre-produced and only painted with the desired color at the time of sale. The hulls were painted at Finish Industrilackering AB in Storebro. Some ships were later repainted according to the owner's wishes.

The shipyard also showed flexibility in the interior design. Instead of the familiar darker mahogany wood, it could be ordered in lighter birch.

The propulsion forms of this ship were also new. While Storebro had mainly relied on shaft propulsion in recent years, this model offered a choice between jet propulsion (J32) and sterndrive (S32). The customers, however, obviously preferred the jet propulsion. Only three ships were equipped with sterndrive.
Although the jet drives do not require gears for reverse and regulate this solely by the position of the flaps, the shipyard installed additional Hurth gears. This offered the possibility of flushing blocked drive trains free by running in reverse.
Engines from Volvo Penta or Yanmar were available for the J32/S32. The first models were offered with Volvo Penta TAMD42WJ-A/KAMD44P. Later, the ships were equipped with Yanmar 6LP-STE diesels as standard. The first two sterndrive-equipped ships received Volvo Penta KAD44P-EDC, the third Yanmar 6LP-STZE with Mercruiser sterndrive.

Manoeuvring with the jet drives was at least unfamiliar to the inexperienced driver. The shipyard took this into account by offering a two-day course for two people, which concluded with a "Driver's Certificate".


Foton och bilder

J32/S32: image 1 of 2 thumb J32/S32: image 2 of 2 thumb
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MotorVolvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Produktion tid1995-20031996-2004 *1997-2000 *1997-20011997-2001
Antal cylindrar66666
Motoreffekt[kw/(hk)]169/(230)179/(243) ***182/(248) ***188 - 221/
(255 - 300) ***
188 - 221/
(255 - 300) ***
*** Power to the shaft
Volvo Penta TAMD42WJ-A169/(230)
Volvo Penta KAMD44P179/(243) ***
Volvo Penta KAD44P182/(248) ***
Yanmar 6LP-STE188 - 221/
(255 - 300) ***
Yanmar 6LP-STZE188 - 221/
(255 - 300) ***
* Alla varianter av denna motor
*** Effekt vid propelleraxeln
De värden som anges i motordiagrammen nedan är uppmätta värden för individuellt utrustade fartyg. De uppmätta värdena kan variera beroende på utrustning samt vind- och temperaturförhållanden. Dessa värden innebär ingen bindande egenskap utan kan endast tjäna som indikationer.
j32: image 1 of 1 thumb
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j32: image 1 of 1 thumb
j32: image 1 of 1 thumb
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Brochures, flyerLowHi
Storebro RC 320 - Broschyr 1997deStorebro RC 320Download only for registered users
Storebro J32/S32 - Broschyr 1997enStorebro J32/S32Download only for registered users
Storebro J32/S32 - Broschyr 1997enStorebro J32/S32Download only for registered users
Storebro RC 320 - Broschyr 1997enDownload only for registered users
Storebro RC 320 - Specificationer 1997seDownload only for registered users
Storebro J32/S32 - Broschyr 1998enStorebro J32/S32Download only for registered users
Storebro J32/S32 - Prislista 1998seNot for public download
Övergripande BroschyrerLowHi
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Övergripande Broschyr1997enPDF - Download only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Övergripande Broschyr1998enPDF - Download only for registered users
Storebro J32/S32 - Instruktionsbok1997sedDownload only for registered owners
Storebro - Tekniska dokumentLowHi
SRC 320 - Wiring Diagram (S/N 3902)1996enNot available for public download
J32 - Transportunderlag1997enDownload only for registered users
Storebro - Test ReportsLowHi
J32 - Test Report Volvo Penta KAMD 42 WJ1997enDownload only for registered users
J32 - Test Report Volvo Penta KAMD 44 WJ1998enDownload only for registered users
J32 - Test Report Yanmar 6LP STE1998enDownload only for registered users
J32 - Test Report Yanmar 6LP STE (S/N 3908)1998enDownload only for registered users
S32 - Test Report Volvo Penta KAD 44 (S/N 3913)1998enDownload only for registered users
S32 - Test Report Yanmar 6LP STZE (S/N 3924)1998enDownload only for registered users
Tekniska Broschyrer - HandbokLowHi
Hamilton 211 - BruksanvisningenDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta KAMD42P-A/TAMD42A/WJ - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta KAMD42P-A/TAMD42A/WJ - InstruktionsbokseDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta KAMD44P EDC/HS1E - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Yanmar 6LP-ST(Z)E - BruksanvisningenDownload only for registered owners
Tekniska BroschyrerLowHi
Volvo Penta KAD 44P - Produktbroschyrde
Volvo Penta KAD 44P - Produktbroschyren
Volvo Penta KAMD 44P - Produktbroschyren
MBY 11/97 - J32 - Båttest 1997PDF - Download only for registered users
Kippari 8/97 - J32 - Båttest 1997PDF - Download only for registered users
boote 12/97 - J32 - Båttest 1997PDF - Download only for registered users
Skipper 7/97 - J32 - Båttest 1997PDF - Download only for registered users
Båtnytt 6/97 - J32 - Båttest 1997PDF - Download only for registered users
SEA 10/98 - J32 - Båttest 1998PDF - Download only for registered users
Multimedia DokumentLowHi
Storebro J32Download only for registered users
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