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Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 Baltic

SRC 355 Baltic med flying bridge

SRC 355 Baltic utan flying bridge


L.ö.a. [m]10,76
Bredd [m]3,75
Djupgång [m]1,00
Höjd över vattenlinjen [m]4,45
3,46 - med sänkt radarbåge
Fribord för [m]1,28
Fribord akter [m]1,12
Deplacement [t]6,5 - 7,6
Bränsle [l]2 x 500
Vatten [l]400
Septic tank [l]130
Spänning [V]12
Antal byggda båtar28
DesignerWinfried H. Wilke


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linkBroschyrer, flygblad
linkLista över serienummer på kända båtar (28)


The Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 represented the entry-level model of the product range from 1995 onwards.

After termination of the production of the Storö 31 and the SRC 340, the shipyard was looking for a new entry into the Storebro product range. Based on the concept of the SRC 31, a simpler and more flexible concept should be created, which should inspire new customers for Storebro.
Due to different opinions in the company and increased demands on comfort, the concept of the Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 came into being. Originally planned as 345, it later became one foot longer. The ship was actually, based on the layout, the compact successor of the Storö 36. The volume of the ship was more comparable to that of the SRC 380. The price of the ship was below that of the SRC 380, but well above that of the SRC 340.
The design of the ship was an elegant evolution of the previous series. A slightly more rounded construction of the foredeck and the curved window of the deck salon were the features of the very attractive ship.
Unlike her bigger sisters, the SRC 380 and SRC 420, she got a hull without propeller tunnels.

Originally, the ship was planned in three variants: with or without flybridge and a canal version with steering position on the aft deck. In fact, only the prototype was built without flybridge. In the flybridge version then the left, aft window of the salon was swapped for a plastic part with steps to the flybridge.
The channel variant presented in the brochures was never built.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the shipyard, the SRC 355 was launched as a jubilee edition with a dark blue hull and gilded fittings in the sanitary area. According to current knowledge, three ships were built with this equipment.

Nobody's perfect: Again, and again small mistakes appear in the brochures. So, in the brochure from 1995 some pictures are still signed with "SRC 345".


Foton och bilder

SRC 355 without flybridge
SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb
SRC 355 with flybridge
SRC 355: image 1 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 3 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 4 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 5 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 6 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 7 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 8 of 9 thumb
SRC 355: image 1 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 1 of 9 thumb
Prototype building and testing
SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 2 of 9 thumb
Images of the production in Storebro
SRC 355: image 7 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 7 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 8 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 9 of 9 thumb SRC 355: image 9 of 9 thumb
I vissa fall finns ytterligare bilder av registrerade fartyg tillgängliga för registrerade användare.
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MotorVolvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Produktion tid1993-1994 *1994-1997 *1994-2005
Antal cylindrar666
Motoreffekt[kw/(hk)]157/(213)157/(213)265 - 272/
(360 - 370)
Volvo Penta KAMD42B 157/(213)
Volvo Penta KAMD42P-A157/(213)
Volvo Penta TAMD63P-A265 - 272/
(360 - 370)
* Alla varianter av denna motor
De värden som anges i motordiagrammen nedan är uppmätta värden för individuellt utrustade fartyg. De uppmätta värdena kan variera beroende på utrustning samt vind- och temperaturförhållanden. Dessa värden innebär ingen bindande egenskap utan kan endast tjäna som indikationer.
src355: image 1 of 1 thumb
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src355: image 1 of 1 thumb
src355: image 1 of 1 thumb
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Teknisk utveckling

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Brochures, flyerLowHi
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 Baltic - Broschyr 1994enStorebro Royal Cruiser 355 BalticDownload only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 Baltic - Broschyr 1995deStorebro Royal Cruiser 355 BalticDownload only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 Baltic - Broschyr 1995deStorebro Royal Cruiser 355 BalticDownload only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 Baltic - Broschyr 1995enStorebro Royal Cruiser 355 BalticDownload only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 Baltic - Prislista 1995deNot for public download
Övergripande BroschyrerLowHi
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Övergripande Broschyr1995dePDF - Download only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Övergripande Broschyr1997enPDF - Download only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Övergripande Broschyr1998enPDF - Download only for registered users
SRC 355 Baltic - Instruktionsbok1995esDownload only for registered ownersDownload only for registered owners
SRC 355 Baltic - Instruktionsbok1995deDownload only for registered ownersDownload only for registered owners
Storebro - Tekniska dokumentLowHi
SRC 355 - Transportunderlagr0a503001995enDownload only for registered users
Storebro - Test ReportsLowHi
SRC 355 Baltic - Test Report Volvo Penta KAMD 421995enDownload only for registered users
Tekniska Broschyrer - HandbokLowHi
Volvo Penta KAMD42B - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta KAMD42B - InstruktionsbokseDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta KAMD42P-A/TAMD42A/WJ - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta KAMD42P-A/TAMD42A/WJ - InstruktionsbokseDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta TAMD61/62/63/71/72 - InstruktionsbokdeDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta TAMD61/62/63/71/72 - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta TAMD61/62/63/71/72 - VerkstadshandbokenNot available for public download
Volvo Penta TAMD63L/P - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Tekniska BroschyrerLowHi
Volvo Penta TAMD 63P - Produktbroschyren
MBY 12/95 - SRC 355 Baltic - Båttest 1995
Vi Båtägare 9/95 - SRC 355 Baltic - Båttest 1995PDF - Download only for registered users
Skipper 1/96 - SRC 355 Baltic - Båttest 1996PDF - Download only for registered users
Multimedia DokumentLowHi
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355Download only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 355 (S/N 3721)2018Download only for registered users
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