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Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 Baltic


L.ö.a. [m]14,20
Bredd [m]4,55
Djupgång [m]1,20
Deplacement [t]15,0
Spänning [V]24
Antal byggda båtar16
DesignerWinfried H. Wilke


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The Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 was the top model of the new design line that started with the SRC 340 Biscay. The layout of the ship was based on the layout of the 1985/86 presented SRC 52. Also, from the SRC 52 draft the SRC 470 inherited the flybridge.

The SRC 470 continued the SRC 340 design. In particular the narrow side windows stretched the voluminous ship and made it very elegant. Visually, the front view of the SRC 470 is reminiscent of the Royal Cruiser 47, which likewise had three single front windows. Originally the ship was projected as SRC 44. Compared to the original SRC 44 design, the radar arch of the SRC 470 moved to the aft edge of the flybridge. The first brochure of 1998 shows a drawing of the ship with a rounded side window of the deckhouse. This feature was never used with the SRC 470, but only with the sister model SRC 500 within the scope of a smaller facelift, from about 1992 onwards. This is similar to the air inlet of the engine room. This design was realized in 1997 for the first time with the SRC 430 Biscay and the SRC 430 Baltic and later in 2001 also with the SRC 515.
The original layout provided a circular sofa instead of the U-Dinette. As part of the detail development, however, it turned out that the hull shape did not allow this layout. In the deck saloon, the extension of the ship during the project led to the planning of the passenger seat.

With the model year 1989, the shipyard changed the windows to new aluminium frames. The previously angled profile was swapped for a flat profile. This measure was carried out simultaneously on the SRC 340 and SRC 400.

The first brochure from 1988 lists the Volvo Penta TAMD 71A (263kW/357hp) as standard engine. This was then installed in the first four ships. The fifth ship was the only one with the Volvo Penta TAMD 121D (310kW/422hp), but these were changed three years later against TAMD 122D. From 1989, the Volvo Penta TAMD 122D was fitted as the standard engine.
The effort to accommodate the TAMD 122D instead of the originally planned TAMD 71A in the engine compartment was considerable. Extensive investigations concerning the dimensions were required from both the shipyard and Volvo Penta.

At least five SRC 470s were retrofitted with a new stern using the original SRC 500 (or even SRC 515) attachment. These ships are now often offered as SRC 500. Only the view in the delivery lists reveals the actual type of the ship.


Foton och bilder

SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb
SRC 470: image 3 of 3 thumb SRC 470: image 3 of 3 thumb
Images of the production in Storebro
SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 470: image 1 of 2 thumb
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MotorVolvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Produktion tid1986-19881986-19941988-19891989-1996
Antal cylindrar6666
Motoreffekt[kw/(hk)]310/(422)263/(357)331/(450)340/(462) ***
Vikt[kg]810 ****1500
Volvo Penta TAMD121D310/(422)
Volvo Penta TAMD71A263/(357)
Volvo Penta TAMD122C331/(450)
Volvo Penta TAMD122D340/(462) ***
*** Effekt vid propelleraxeln
**** Weight without gearbox
De värden som anges i motordiagrammen nedan är uppmätta värden för individuellt utrustade fartyg. De uppmätta värdena kan variera beroende på utrustning samt vind- och temperaturförhållanden. Dessa värden innebär ingen bindande egenskap utan kan endast tjäna som indikationer.
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src470: image 1 of 1 thumb
src470: image 1 of 1 thumb
Som registrerad användare har du tillgång till ytterligare diagram över skrovfärger, layoutvarianter, träslag och produktionssiffror per år, beroende på båttyp.

Teknisk utveckling

Som registrerad användare har du tillgång till listan över ändringar i produktionen, beroende på båttyp.


Brochures, flyerLowHi
Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 Baltic - Broschyr 1988enStorebro Royal Cruiser 470 BalticDownload only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 Baltic - Broschyr 1989deStorebro Royal Cruiser 470 Baltic
Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 Baltic - Broschyr 1989enStorebro Royal Cruiser 470 BalticDownload only for registered users
Storebro Royal Cruiser 470 - Nr. 79 - Prislista 1991seNot for public download
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Prislista 1993deNot for public download
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Prislista 1994deNot for public download
Övergripande BroschyrerLowHi
Storebro Royal Cruiser - Övergripande Broschyr1990en
Storebro - Tekniska dokumentLowHi
SRC 470/500 - Säkrings- och Kabelnummerlista1-5708-00011987enNot available for public download
SRC 470/500 - 24V Wiring Diagram (VP TAMD71A/Detroit Diesel 6V92TA)1-5708-00011988enNot available for public download
SRC 470/500 - 24V Wiring Diagram (VP TAMD122/Detroit Diesel 6V92TA)1-5708-00651989enNot available for public download
Storebro - Test ReportsLowHi
SRC 470 - Test Report Volvo Penta TAMD122D1989enDownload only for registered users
SRC 470 - Test Report Volvo Penta TAMD71A1989enDownload only for registered users
SRC 470 - Test Report Volvo Penta TAMD122D1990enDownload only for registered users
Tekniska Broschyrer - HandbokLowHi
Volvo Penta TAMD61/62/63/71/72 - InstruktionsbokdeDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta TAMD61/62/63/71/72 - InstruktionsbokenDownload only for registered owners
Volvo Penta TAMD61/62/63/71/72 - VerkstadshandbokenNot available for public download
Tekniska BroschyrerLowHi
Volvo Penta - Program 1989en
Volvo Penta TAMD 122D - Produktbroschyren
Volvo Penta TAMD 71A - Produktbroschyren
Volvo Penta TAMD 71A - Produktbroschyrde
Boat International 10/91 - SRC 470 - Båttest 1991PDF - Download only for registered users
Multimedia DokumentLowHi
Storebro - Produktion i Västervik - privat video1989Download only for registered users
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