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Storö 36

Storö 36 - Version till 1985

Storö 36 - Version senast 1986 med stor flybridge


1986-1988 - stor Flybridge
L.ö.a. [m]11,00
Bredd [m]3,83
Djupgång [m]1,10
Deplacement [t]9,0
Bränsle [l]2 x 660
Vatten [l]400
Spänning [V]24
Antal byggda båtar74
DesignerWinfried H. Wilke


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The Storö 36 was the smaller sister of the Storö 40. At approximately the same width it was about one meter shorter. Due to the clever layout it nevertheless offered five fixed berths and two toilets. The boat was a very affordable family boat.

The construction of the hull based on the round bilge construction being used by Storebro.

Tests of the new hull started in December 1980. Because of the winter and ice and the fact that the results were not satisfying until then, boat testing had to be continued in spring. So, the Storö 36 was ready to go in production in late 1981.

The original flybridge design shared the Storö 36 with the Storö 40. However, in many cases the lack of space of the flybridge was criticized. In 1986 a new enlarged flybridge version was presented for the two models 36 and 40. It offered more space, but took some of the boat's elegance.

The Storö 36 was quite expensive to produce. Although it was about one metre shorter than the Storö 40, the production costs were similarly high. For this reason, the Storö 36 did not find a direct successor after the end of production.

The Storö 36 with the construction number 2957 was the first ship with a shipyard-mounted aft anchor box. The system had been sold to the customer by Lennart Ivarsson and was developed by Johnny Lindblom. After the first season, the system was improved. With an additional GRP part that reached through the bathing platform, more space was created for the anchor chain. Later, this system was adopted for all subsequent series. The system was then optimally integrated with the new hulls of the SRC 380 and SRC 420.


Foton och bilder

SRC 340: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 340: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 340: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 340: image 1 of 2 thumb SRC 340: image 1 of 2 thumb
Storö 36: image 2 of 2 thumb SRC 340: image 1 of 2 thumb
Prototype building and testing
Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb Storö 36: image 1 of 12 thumb
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MotorVolvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta
Produktion tid1978-19831978-19831983-19871986-1995
Antal cylindrar6666
Motoreffekt[kw/(hk)]103 - 169/
(140 - 230)
130 - 206/
(177 - 280)
112 - 184/
(152 - 250)
218/(296) ***
Vikt[kg]750920680 ****829
Volvo Penta TAMD60B103 - 169/
(140 - 230)
Volvo Penta TAMD70D130 - 206/
(177 - 280)
Volvo Penta TAMD60C112 - 184/
(152 - 250)
Volvo Penta TAMD61A218/(296) ***
*** Effekt vid propelleraxeln
**** Weight without gearbox
De värden som anges i motordiagrammen nedan är uppmätta värden för individuellt utrustade fartyg. De uppmätta värdena kan variera beroende på utrustning samt vind- och temperaturförhållanden. Dessa värden innebär ingen bindande egenskap utan kan endast tjäna som indikationer.
storo36: image 1 of 1 thumb
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storo36: image 1 of 1 thumb
storo36: image 1 of 1 thumb
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Teknisk utveckling

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Storö 36 - Broschyr 1986enStorö 36
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Storö 36 - Prislista 1985deNot for public download
Storebro Bruks AB - Nr. 67B - Prislista 1985seNot for public download
Storebro Bruks AB - Nr. 69 - Prislista 1986seNot for public download
Storebro Bruks AB - Nr. 70 - Prislista 1986esNot for public download
Övergripande BroschyrerLowHi
Storebro Bruks AB - Övergripande Broschyr1985enPDF - Download only for registered users
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Storö 36 - Elskema (VP TAMD 61)1-5308-00051987enNot available for public download
Storebro - Test ReportsLowHi
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